Thomas Edison High School/Green Campus, NE Minneapolis, MN
Cor-ten Steel, Sculpted Jade Glass, LED Lights, Aluminum, Stainless Steel Ball Chain 100" x 90" x 20"
The Let it Rain gateway project provides both a visible artistic interpretation of the unseen stormwater infrastructure at the Edison Green Campus and locates the Green Campus within the Mississippi Watershed. It serve as a beacon to the Mississippi. Green Campus drawing people in to discover the water conservation infrastructure and solar energy production at Edison High School.
“The three abstract Rain Clouds represents the hydrological cycle of water: evaporation, cloud formation and rainfall. The Illuminated Blue River highlights that we are at the Watershed Gateway to the Mississippi River and identified and maps where we are in relationships to river.
These elements work in concert to reinforce public engagement around the Green Campus within the Watershed, and make explicit the connection between the Watershed and the Mississippi itself.